A Good Shepherd Father’s Day

Thomas Griffin 6/15/24 (For National Catholic Register)

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Our third child is coming this September. My son Benedict will be 4 years old in October. His brother Gabriel will turn 2 at the beginning of the same month. 

Being a parent, along with being a husband to my wife, Joanna, has been the greatest source of joy in my life. It has also opened up access to God’s identity as Father in a way that I never experienced beforehand. To be a great dad is simply to be a good shepherd. 

Unfortunately, so many people experience fatherlessness in today’s world. They grew up like sheep without a shepherd. This can be the result of one’s parents being divorced, the abandonment of a father or a father who prioritizes work over being a dad. Many children grow up never having a close bond with their dad. No matter our experience, Father’s Day is an opportunity to reflect on fatherhood and God himself. Knowing him reminds us that we are never fatherless. 

Like a good shepherd, good fathers are devoted to their children. 

Read the Full Article Here for National Catholic Register

Thomas Griffin is the chairperson of the religion department at a Catholic high school on Long Island where he lives with his wife and two sons. He has a masters degree in theology and is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Empty Tomb Project: The Magazine.

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